September 26, 2008

October Social is nearly here!

Yay! The next Treasured Journeys' scrapbook social is on Friday, October 17th. Are you ready for more laughs, good times, raffles, inspiration, exclusive tools and great fun???Then you just gotta sign up with us soon!!
These are some of the details...sneak peeks will be posted soon!

Space is limited…email us and reserve today! Registration is $15.00 to attend.


Friday, October 17, 2008 from 6pm to Midnight

St. John’s Episcopal Church, 526 Magnolia Ave, Corona

We'll show you how to make Mummy cards and/or bags. Only $2.00 each!
Register a friend, get a free raffle ticket!
Take 20% off any item in the catalog with an order of $25 or more. If you are local we’ll even deliver it to you!

In addition to all the exclusive tools like the Cricut and Circle cutters, there will be a Trade Table. Bring scrapbook stuff or supplies that you'd like get rid of. It just may be someone else's treasure. If you add to the table you are free to take something...

The postcard invitations have been mailed...

September 15, 2008

A Wonderful Night!

A very special THANK YOU for all the lovely ladies who came and enjoyed a night of srapping, fun, laughter, learning and sharing with us at Treasured Journeys. We are looking very closely over the surveys that you filled out (thanks for so many kind words) and will be answering some of your requests in time for the next social! Although it's impossible to express how much we enjoyed our grand-opening with you, here's a little snapshot of US all!

September 10, 2008

2 More Days

2more days, looking forward to a great night, we only have a few spots left so if you want to join us you better RSVP.

September 2, 2008

Sneak Peak!

For all you lovely ladies who have reserved your spot...this here is a sneak preview of the precious goodies we have planned for your eyes to feast on!!

But don't bother askin' what they are...'cause we ain't tellin. You just have to come to see fer yerself!!

September 1, 2008

Invitations are out!

The invitations to our first official scrapbook social have gone out!

Seating is limited to the first 25 guests who email their R.S.V.P to